The know-hows of blockchain technology
June 2, 2022
Distributed Ledger Technology or rather Blockchain technology, is becoming the new norm of techies. So what exactly is Blockchain technology? Blockchain technology simply refers to a database. However, it has several points of differences that make it different from nominal databases. Let’s get into those facts next. Data structuring is different in normal databases and blockchain technology. The structuring format of blockchains is entirely different from existing databases. The data chucks where data storage occurs form connective links. Yes, you guessed it right! […]
Python- The Dynamic language that changes worlds
June 2, 2022
Python may sound complex for the faint-hearted. Be assured folks, it is a simple programming language with numerous benefits. Wondering what they might be? Read on to know the real-world applications of python. Desktop GUI Python allows access to Tkinter which can help developers create better user interfaces. Popular toolkits that come with python programming include Kivy, PYQT, wxWidgets, etc. Web development The development and deployment of web-based applications are relatively superfluous with python programming. Common-backend logic allows the easier integration of SSL, […]
Artificial Intelligence- The Trends and Possibilities of 2021
June 2, 2022
Artificial intelligence is holding huge potential for 2021. Though the ongoing COVID pandemic had altered life situations, the possibilities for AI are endless for the upcoming year. Presently, innovative technologies like IoT, robotics, big data have set their sights on AI. Other than the huge potential of AI in the technology sector, AI will have a huge impact on business undertakings. AI can expand the organizational working of the firm through customized manufacturing, holographic meetings, and simulative environments. Rohan Amin, the […]
June 2, 2022
Augmented reality (AR) helps users experience a different sense of digital reality with enhanced user experience. Examples of AR include Snapchat lenses and the game Pokemon Go. Virtual reality (VR) takes users into a complete immersion experience where they lose all sensory experiences of the physical world and enter a virtual experience. VR devices like HTC Vive, Oculus Rift or Google Cardboard, takes users into a different environment which gives them a varied user experience. In a Mixed Reality (MR) experience, both AR and VR, real-world and […]
New technology enhances optical storage media
June 2, 2022
Purdue’s new technology is all set to replace the age-old Morse codes. Reportedly, Purdue’s new technological breakthrough will modernize optical digital storage. This innovation provides extensive data storage along with quicker data read technology. The new research has already been published in Laser & Photonics Reviews. Reportedly, Purdue innovators rely on the angular position of tiny antennas, to encode data. This allows them to store more data per unit area. “The storage capacity greatly increases because it is only defined by the resolution […]