About Internship

It’s a time where companies are asking for experience before your first job. So it’s better for you to get some real time experience working in live projects with expert developers. Nevertheless, it should not be neglected. It is a professional skill development program and Software Internship in a real industry environment with the support of highly experienced professionals and using advanced technical infrastructure. Srishti Campus provides the best Software Internship training centre in Trivandrum, Kerala. Rather than just providing conventional classroom training, our Software Internships covers an extra mile to provide working knowledge and industry experience to the trainees through LIVE PROJECTS, thereby enabling them to become skilled professionals. Software Internships also support the trainees to secure an IT job with 100% PLACEMENT SUPPORT. We offer the best Software training centre in Trivandrum , Software Internships, Academic Project assistance with all documentation support, Live project experiences etc to help various audience who join Srishti to polish their career.This is the right time for you to develop your skills through our Software Internship program ,Come Join with us…
Selection process for Internship
The selection process is conducted after 2 weeks of their training commencement. Once the candidate cracks the selection process, they can continue as a trainee. They will be trained in the assigned technology in a development oriented method.
Selection process for Internship includes
- Technical Interview
Eligibility Criteria
- Qualification: BTech/ MTech, MCA/BCA, MSc/BSc.
- 10th & +2 with 65% above.
- Admission is limited to 5 students in a batch.
- Duration will be 4 months – 6 months, which includes 2-3 months training & Internship for 2-3 months (25hrs a week)

Add – On’s to each language training
- 100% placement.
- Duration : 25 hours a week
- Communication skills
- Aptitude
- Resume building
- Technical and Personal interview preparations with mock interviews
- Group Discussions
- Html :HTML Introduction, HTML structure, HTML tag and its attributes, The Alt attribute, set height and width of an image, HTML Forms, HTML Form and its elements, HTML Frames, I frames, HTML5, HTML5 Tags and new elements, HTML audio, video, SVG and canvas tag
- Css: CSS Introduction, CSS syntax and CSS styling, CSS types(Internal, External and Inline), CSS selectors, ID Selector and Class Selector, CSS division styling, padding, margin, CSS Icons, CSS3, CSS3 2D Transforms, CSS3 3D Transforms, CSS3 Flexible Box
- Bootstrap: Bootstrap Introduction ,Installation-Usage of Bootstrap, Bootstrap Grid Structure, Bootstrap Forms, Bootstrap Tables, Bootstrap Containers
- Java script: JavaScript Introduction, JavaScript Syntax and types, JavaScript Objects, JavaScript objects and methods, JavaScript conditional and functional statements, JavaScript Validation, JavaScript Google Map
- Jquery: Jquery Introduction, Jquery methods, Jquery syntax, selectors, events, Jquery effects, Ajax, Jquery HTML, Jquery CSS, callback
- Php:PHP Introduction,Syntax, Variables, Arithmetic Operators, Assignment operators, Comparison Operators, Logical Operators, Conditional statements, Loops and Functions, Php arrays and Array Functions, Files introduction, file upload, Session, cookies, Mail Function and Date Function
- Database: Installation, Database connection, Database design and normalization in detail, Different queries (Insert Select Update Delete) using MySQL, Different queries (Insert Select Update Delete) using MySQLi, PDO, Ajax, Join queries
- Code igniter: Why a Framework, History, Download and Installation Introduction to mvc: Configuration Settings, Routing, Controllers, Views, Models, Helpers, Libraries, Form Validation
- Project 3
- Case studies
- Android introduction: Role of Java and XML, Versions and Features corresponding, Application Areas, Basic Programs, About Android, Architecture and its features, Android installation, ADT Plugin and SDK
- Getting started: Using Android Studio, First Android Application
- Application and activities: Creating application and activities, Application Manifest introduction,Android application life cycle, Android application class, Android application folders and usage
- User interface and widgets: Fundamental Android UI design, Introducing Layouts and views, Draw able Resources, Types of layouts and inner layouts, Use of widgets
- Building blocks: Activity, Intent, Fragment, Content provider, Broad cast receiver, Service, Manifest, View
- Basic operations: Introducing Intents, Implicit intents, Creating and Using menus, context menu, pop up menu, List Activity, Spinner, Toast & Custom Toast, Android Dialogues
- 2d animations: Introducing animations in Android, Frame by Frame Animation, Tween Animation Files, saving states and shared preferences: Creating and saving preferences, Retrieving shared preferences, Programs
- Communication with server: Async HTTP, JSON parsing
- Content providers: Using Content providers, Reading Content providers, Programs
- Working in background: Introducing Services, Introducing Notification
- Telephony and sms: Incoming and outgoing call, Telephony Manager
- Maps, geocoding, location based services: Maps and GPS in Android- introduction, Map view and map activity – map API key from Google, Geocoding, Location Providers and finding current location, Location listeners, Overlay
- Broadcast receivers, adapters and internet: Using Internet Resources, Introducing Dialogs, Broadcast Receivers, Customized Broadcast Receivers
- Customizations: Custom List View, Custom Grid View, Custom Dialogs, Custom Layouts, Custom Action Bar, Toolbar
- Sensors: Introduction to sensors in Android, Proximity, Accelerometer, Gyro, Sample program for Android
- Fragments: Introduction, Fragment Life Cycle, Fragment Managers, Fragment Transactions, Applying Fragments, Navigation Drawers, Tab Bars, Card View, View Pager Indicator, Recycler View, Floating Action Button, Pull to Refresh, Snack Bar, Programs
- Third party libraries: Picasso, Butter Knife, Async HTTP, Zxing, Volley, Google Play Services
- Database: Introducing Android Databases, Introducing SQLite using SQLiteOpenHelper, Cursors and content values, Working with SQLite Database
- Integrations: Google and Facebook
- Latest version: Navigation graph, Resource Manager
- iOS Introduction
- Basic Tools
- Map Page View Controller
- User Default
- Registraion Form
- Protocols
- MVC pattern
- Map, PageViewController
- Tableview Complete
- Collectionview
- UserDefaults
- Search Display Controller
- CoreData
- Tabbar controller
- Login Form
- Register Forms
- Audio controller
- Video controller
- Protocols
- Blocks
- Notifications(Local and Push)
- Gesture Recognizer
- MailComposer
- Messaging
- Calling
- AddressBook
- Data Parsing Methods(JSON)
- Displying PDF
- Extension
- Autolayout
- Using external classe
- Introduction to HTML, Introduction to HTML webpage, Tags, Text Editing Tags,Tables, Ordered and unordered Lists, Anchor Tags, Iframe,Form and Input Tags
- HTML: HTML Tables, HTML5 Introduction, HTML5 New Elements, HTML5 Video, HTML5 Video/DOM, HTML5 Audio, HTML Headings, HTML Paragraphs, HTML Formatting, HTML Fonts
- CSS: Introduction to CSS, Selectors, Applying Styles to HTML Web Pages, Box styles, CSS Introduction, CSS Syntax, CSS Id & Class, CSS Styling, Styling Backgrounds, Styling Text, Styling Fonts, Styling Links, Styling Lists, Styling Tables, CSS Box Model, CSS Box Model, CSS Border, CSS Margin, CSS Padding
- JavaScript: Introduction to JavaScript, Input control events, functions, Alert box, Confirm box, Prompt box, Validation using JavaScript, Java “vs” JavaScript, The hierarchy of JavaScript Objects, window Object, document Object, Outputting Text with JavaScript, Using Arrays to Refer to Forms, JavaScript Objects, String Object, Datatypes
- Jquery: Introduction to Jquery, Implementing Jquery in web page, Animation using Jquery, Html,css manipulations using jquery
- NET Architecture, Visual Studio IDE: Introduction to .NET Framework, Architecture and Evolution, .NET Versions & .NET Framework Components, Visual Studio Versions, Installation of Components of IDE, Features of Visual Studio IDE, Creating Project, Solution Using Visual Studio IDE.
- Introduction to OOPs using C#: C# language basics (Syntax, keywords, operators, data types), Importing namespace, Creating console apps, Using Convert, String, DateTime, Arrays, OOPS in C#, Conditional and Looping Statements, Create and implement class, constructors, object, method, Polymorphism Inheritance, abstract class, interface, Exception Handling, Delegates.
- ASP.NET: ASP.NET Specification, Webpage, WebSite, Web Application, PostBack, PostBack types, InpagevsCodebehind, Page Life Cycle events.
- Web Server Controls: What is Web Server Control, Available Web Sever controls, Using regular controls like, label, texbox, ListControl, RadioButtonList, CheckBoxList, DropDownList, BulletedList, ListBox, fileupload controls, Validation of input using validation controls,gridview,formviewcontrols
- ADO.NET -Data Access from SQL Server: Ado.NET Architecture and ADO.NET Library, Creating and Establishing Database Connectivity, CRUD operations using Connection Oriented Model with SqlCommand and SqlDataReader., Navigation of Data in Data Objects using Disconnection oriented model with SqlDataAdapterDataSet, DataTable,operations in dropdown list
- State Management, Ajax: Introduction to State Management Techniques, ViewState, QueryString, Session, Cookie, Application and Cache, Ajax introduction and Architecture, Ajax extension controls, Demo Example and Task, Security and Web Services, Introduction to Security, Security in ASP.NET, Authentication (Anonymous Authentication, Windows Authentication, Forms Authentication)
- INTRODUCTION TO MVC: MVC Architecture, Understand the MVC design pattern and how it’s applied in ASP.NET MVC, Understanding Model, Understanding View, Understanding Controller, Key benefits of ASP.NET MVC, Advantages of MVC based Web Application
- HTML HELPERS: HTML Helper Methods, Render HTML Form, Binding Html Helper to Model, Creating Views with HTML Helpers
- EXPLORING CONTROLLER’S: Passing data from Controller to View,Comparing View Data, View Bag and Temp Data, Types of Action Methods, Action Method Parameters
- MODEL BINDERS: Default model Binder, Complex Type Model Binding, Form Collection, Model Binding, Http Posted File
- DESIGNING AND IMPLEMENTING DATABASES WITH SQL SERVER, Introduction to ADO.NET, Creating Tables and Relationships, SQL Fundamentals, Insert, Update, Delete, Select commands, Linq
- LINQ: Introduction to LinQ, LinQ type queries, sql like queries, LinQ syntax USING AJAX AND JQUERY WITH ASP.NET MVC: Overview of AJAX and ASP.NET MVC, Using AJAX Action Links, Overview of jQuery, jQuery Techniques
- CREATING AN APPLICATION IN MVC: Creating strongly-typed views, Understanding URLs and action methods, Using HTML helpers, Handling form post-backs, Data validation
- MVC STATE MANAGEMENT: Using hidden fields, Sessions, Model binding
- Overview,Environment setup
- IONIC Framework
- CSS Components: Colors, Content, Buttons, Lists, Cards, Forms, Tabs, Grid, Icon, Padding
- JS Components: Events, Forms, Keyboard, Navigation,Scroll,Side menu, Tabs, AlertActions
- Advanced Concepts: Splash Screen, Media, Cordova Integration
- Angular: Components, Directives, Module, Events, Routing, Pipes, Http Services
One week internship
5 day package
- Technology introduction
- Development toolkit familiarization
- One case study
- Experiencing the IT world
- Internship certificate ghhghhhtyttrrtrerrerrttrtrtr
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2 weeks Internship
- Technology introduction
- Development toolkit familiarization
- One case study
- Experiencing the IT world
- Internship certificate
- Interview Preperation classes
- Project Life Cycle Introduction & Experience
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Gold package
1-2 months Internship
- Technology introduction
- Development toolkit familiarization
- One case study
- Experiencing the IT world
- 2 case studies
- 1 Project
- Interview Preperation classes
- Project Life Cycle Introduction & Experience
- Project Experience Certificate
- Internship Certificate
- 2 Interviews
One week internship
5 day package
- Technology introduction
- Development toolkit familiarization
- Experiencing the IT world
- Advanced Syllabus for training
- Designation: Programmer Trainee
- Chance to work with Live Projects
- 3 case studies
- 2 Projects
- Experience Certificate as Trainee
- More than 3 interviews ghhghhhtyttrrtrerrerrttrtrtr
- 100% Placement Track Record